Spamfilter Commands

Spamfilter Commands At WebLink Studio, we use the ASSP Spam Filter to reduce the Spam in your Inbox. Filtered messages go to a folder named “Spambox”. Occasionally, good e-mails get trapped, so you should check that folder as necessary. Here are...

Common E-mail Phishing Scams

Over the last year, I have seen a large increase of phishing scams to gain access to e-mail accounts or control panel access. They can look quite real, with legitimate logos and signature text. But if you look at the sender address, or hover links, DO NOT CLICK! you...

Fraudsters steal Google Business Profiles

The other day, a customer texted me a picture of an e-mail, and it showed a request to take over his Google Business Profile. My initial reaction was to ignore it. His business listing was claimed and properly verified, so how could anyone steal it? Only when I looked...

E-mail Account Settings

Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended) Username: Your full e-mail address Password: Use the email account’s password. Incoming Server: IMAP Port: 993 POP3 Port: 995 Outgoing Server: SMTP Port: 465 IMAP, POP3, and SMTP...